Privacy Policy

Equal Opportunities

SimplyCare believes that equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination are important human rights and that everyone should be recognized regardless of their age, ethnicity, gender, handicap, sexual orientation, religion or belief, HIV status, or socioeconomic class. So, SimplyCare is a strong believer in equal opportunity and values diversity.


Anti-bribery and fraud policy

SimplyCare will not attempt to sway others, either directly or indirectly, by offering, paying, or accepting bribes or kickbacks, or by using any other method that is unethical, unlawful, or detrimental to our reputation for honesty and integrity. We have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for any sort of wrongdoing and encourage openness in all parts of our operations.


Complaints & Appeals Procedure

SimplyCare assures that all complaints are addressed fairly, consistently, and to the satisfaction of the complainant wherever feasible. We strive to listen to our customers on a regular basis and make improvements to enhance our services.


Privacy Policy

We embrace the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which defines guidelines for the collection and processing of personal data from EU citizens (EU). If we need to use your data again during this time period, we will first seek your permission.


Safeguarding Policy

We are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and developing technology that provides you with the most powerful and secure online experience possible. This Statement of Privacy covers data gathering and usage on our Practice’s Web site. You consent to the data practices outlined in this statement by using this website.